

Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Petey's Spice Cabinet Organization Project

Petey's Spice Cabinet Organization Project

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Hi! So I think Petey is nesting… those who know me personally know that I can be a messy person. Messy not Dirty, there is a difference! Anyways, our spice cabinet was busting at the seams. It has been bothering Petey (not really me) for a while now and he finally ordered some supplies and got to organizing.

Being that this is not a professional organizing account we did not take before photos and I am so mad! We had like 5 jars of cinnamon, 4 containers of cumin, 2 bottles of chili powder—- you get the picture. These were all consolidated and now we can actually see what we have! IT IS SO NICE!

Below I will link the spice jars we are using & the risers. Petey made the labels at work, but I have linked a similar label maker.

Oh he tried to throw away my Blue Italian Spode Spice Jars— I obviously did not let that happen! LOVE these, they match our Spode Blue Italian Pattern which is probably one of my most DM’d question I get from y’all over on Instagram.

Untitled Design.png
  1. 12 Pack 9.5 oz Plastic Spice Jars

  2. 12 Pack 5.5 oz Plastic Spice Jars

  3. 3 Tier Spice Cabinet Organizer

  4. Label Maker

  5. Spode Blue Italian Spice Jars

There you go! A quick affordable way to get your spices organized. We ordered 2 packs of the 5.5 oz jars, 1 of the 9.5 oz jars, and have 2 of the 3 Tier Spice Organizers placed side by side. As you can tell, we could use more jars and will probably order those a little later. Cooking the last few nights has been so much easier because of this little change!

Thanks Petey for doing this project!!!

Until next time, follow along with us on Instagram @thevintagefork.

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